Our vision on professionalism

Good educational staff make all the difference, At RKBS ‘de oosteinder’’ we support and invest in the growth and professional development of our staff. Our school is a PLG - Professionele Leergemeenschap or Professional Learning Community. Everyone does their part in creating and maintaining a professional culture of trust, integrity, collaboration and shared responsibility. In a safe predictable environment, teachers can respond differently when needed. We expect a positive attitude – humor, building mutual trust and positive intentions are an integral part of this. The team is aware they are role models and are open to giving and receiving constructive feedback.

We are working in learning groups. By staying on top of the latest educational knowledge and trends, sharing and problem solving we are continuously improving our teaching. Classes often can be prepared in collaboration and /or are reviewed to ensure and improve quality.

Team members are actively involved in and co responsible for the school’s goals.

We are fortunate to have dedicated PE and Music teachers. As well as specialists / subject matter experts. These specialists organize teach-the-teacher discussions, make improvement plans and act as point of contact / advisor for their subject related matters. In addition, they help develop the curriculum, policies and advise and guide teachers and the school board.

We are socially involved and transfer our educational knowledge to our future colleagues in training (interns). Our school collaborates closely with and reports on a regular basis to relevant stakeholders (such as parents, schoolboard, municipality/ government, after school care and secondary education).


Vision on professionalism



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